Lili Cortina







Lili Cortina is an architect turned ceramicist, who works on diverse projects designing ceramics among artisans in Mexico from Metepec, State of Mexico, and Cachán de Echeverría Michoacán—pieces of which have been exhibited in the Museo Nacional de Antropología in Mexico City. 

In her studio, she is constantly investigating clays and materials from around Mexico City to design her own glazes and clay bodies.

Cortina’s ceramics are influenced by high-fire techniques she earned from her Japanese teachers in Toluca, as well through her work as an architect. Her work has been featured in exhibits for Design Week Mexico City.

Along with design and production work, Cortina studied three years of ceramics studies at MOA in Toluca, Mexico; potter's wheel with master Akira Morioka; ceramics theory with master ChinatsuTsukada; and theory and elaboration of porcelain with master Yosuke Susuki. In Mexico City, she constantly works in the elaboration of molds for design projects with master Cecilia Gil.

Cortina is an architect who studied at the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City with a master’s degree in Architecture Criticism and Project from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. She also studied at UCLA in theory and application of color and design. Cortina has worked independently in construction and architectural projects for most of her career.

Lili Cortina’s Work at OMET